Based out of Canada, Ramtin (Rammy) Kazemi is an award winning landscape and nature photographer. He’s also a tour guide with a passion for the wilderness. Rammy’s love for teaching and sharing photography has led him to become an instructor at world leading companies like KelbyOne.
An artist whose imagery relies on Landscape Photography is a creature of the light... Waking up before sunrise and coming back to tent after sunset is what goes into capturing mother nature's most magical moments. It's all about the journey! It's this journey into the wild that he is passionate about. "When you look at an image that speaks to you, one thing to remember is that it's a result of nothing but time, passion and love."
He started photography as a hobby and has a diploma from Recording Arts Canada and his background is actually in music and audio. Rammy quickly realized that the audio industry wasn't for him because he couldn't be himself creating mainstream music! After picking up his first camera and exploring the world, He fell in love with it specially because he enjoyed the outdoors. Ramtin really enjoys the journey through his lenses and loves to explore the backcountry of our planet earth and photograph places that have been rarely seen by the human eye. His passion for adventure in the wilderness and pristine landscapes is what drives him to do what he does. Nature has been a big part of Rammy's life as far as he can remember and his life would be very little without the influence of the wilderness. As he always says, "one must remember that photography comes after the journey itself"... Ramtin has been working hard and he's ready to share it all with you.
Ramtin's workshops and tours are where he spends most of his time in the photography industry. Aside from being a world wide instructor, Ramtin runs photo tours and workshops at his favorite locations. His passion for teaching photography has led him to design and lead  awe-inspiring, world class photography workshops that should be on everyone's bucket list. The focus on these workshops is to help You get epic photographs. Not only You get to learn about composition and shooting techniques that has won Ramtin many awards while being on location, You'll also learn about one of the most important aspect of photography which is post processing.
"We live in a digital age. Cameras are now designed to create flat RAW files that must be post processed in the digital dark room. Back in the film days, the media had to be developed and it's no different now. The only difference is that we have now a lot more tools and possibilities thanks to Adobe's Photoshop. In order to produce images that are pleasing to the human eye, the artist must know imagery. We must understand the basics like composition, lighting and color. These fundamentals are unavoidable. Settings, cameras, lenses and tools come second. Nothing should matter until one understands composition and the visual flow of a 2D frame! As soon as we take a photograph with any camera at any focal length, we are changing reality to a flat, non-moving two dimensional file. I use lots of different techniques on my work like perspective blending or blending different moments of time from the same frame. I do what I can to make my photographs presentable and nothing will ever stop me and take my creative freedom away. I still call myself a landscape PHOTOGRAPHER because my end results are real in a sense that I can take you to that exact location and show you everything in that photo including the sky, stars or anything it may have. My post processing techniques are only to enhance my files, NOT to create an unrealistic world which doesn't exist. I don't do composites!
I have always been a passionate individual about what I do. Whether it be cooking at home, or my photography. I don't consider myself a politically correct person because I don't like to be fake. I will speak my mind and I believe that true art needs to be saved! With today's modern equipment being more affordable than ever, everyone's creating "art". And that's a good thing but It is very important that the general public improve their knowledge about art which is why I started my photo tours and instructions. I have no secrets and I'm ready to share it with you all.
Thank You for visiting and your interest in my work. Please do not hesitate to use the contact form to get in touch. I'll be more than glad to answer your questions about any upcoming tours, workshops or prints
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